4. Application guidelines, application schedule and contact.

(1) Application guidelines

Please see the following Web page regarding the entrance examinations held by Kyoto University’s Graduate School of Engineering.
Click Here

Applicants must pass the entrance examination for the Department of Environmental Engineering in August or that for the Master’s program for international students at the Department of Environmental Engineering in February to be able to enroll in the Department of Environmental Engineering. However, students with Chinese nationality are not eligible.

(2) Application schedule

Applicants who wish to participate in this program are recruited within one month after enrollment.

(3) Contact

C Cluster Office, Graduate Student Section, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University
TEL: +81-75-383-2967  E-mail: 090kckyomu@mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp

(Ref.) Website of Kyoto University – Tsinghua University, Cooperative Research and Education Center for Environmental Technology (CRECET)

Room1812 Energy and Environment Building, Tsinghua Campus,
Shenzhen University, Town Shenzhen 518055, China
TEL: +86-755-2603-2454 ,
FAX: +86-755-2603-2454